a wrapper used to select between Qt development binary ver‐ sions
List available Qt versions from the configuration files
Print environment information
Run the specified tool using the specified Qt version
Add a Qt version entry to be able to choose from
Display help
qtchooser -list-versions
qtchooser -print-env [-qt=version]
qtchooser -run-tool=tool [-qt=version] [program_arguments]
Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality. The Qt Chooser provides a wrapper to switch between versions of Qt de‐ velopment binaries when multiple versions like 4 and 5 are installed or local Qt builds are to be used. It is commonly used via a symlink from an executable_name like qmake.
The options which apply to the qtchooser command are: -list-versions Lists available Qt versions from the configuration files -print-env Prints environment information -qt=version Selects version as the Qt version to be used -run-tool=tool Runs the selected tool.
If qtchooser has been built with QTCHOOSER_GLOBAL_DIR (prede‐
fined search paths for qtchooser's configuration files, useful
in some distros), setting this variable will override its ef‐
Same as -qt=version. If set, the selected configuration is used
and binaries symlinked to qtchooser will be executed without ad‐
ditional parameters.
Used as specified in
/etc/xdg/qtchooser/*.conf System-wide configuration files. Each has two lines, the first is the path to the binaries and the second is the path to the Qt libraries. If a default.conf is provided, the settings from it will be automatically used in case nothing else is selected. $HOME/.config/qtchooser/*.conf User configuration files.
qtchooser was written by Thiago Macieira from Intel.
This manual page was written by Timo Jyrinki