A fast crawler focused on execution in automation pipelines offering both headless and non-headless crawling.
Crawl a list of URLs
$ katana -list [https://example.com,https://google.com,...]
Crawl a [u]RL using headless mode using Chromium
$ katana -u [https://example.com] -headless
Use subfinder to find subdomains, and then use [p]a[s]sive sources (Wayback Machine, Common Crawl, and AlienVault) for URL discovery
$ subfinder -list [path/to/domains.txt] | katana -passive
Pass requests through a proxy (http/socks5) and use custom [H]eaders from a file
$ katana -proxy [] -headers [path/to/headers.txt] -u [https://example.com]
Specify the crawling [s]trategy, [d]epth of subdirectories to crawl, and rate limiting (requests per second)
$ katana -strategy [depth-first|breadth-first] -depth [value] -rate-limit [value] -u [https://example.com]
Find subdomains using subfinder, crawl each for a maximum number of seconds, and write results to an [o]utput file
$ subfinder -list [path/to/domains.txt] | katana -crawl-duration [value] -output [path/to/output.txt]