Fast and customizable vulnerability scanner based on a simple YAML based DSL.
[u]pdate nuclei [t]emplates to the latest released version (will be downloaded to ~/nuclei-templates)
$ nuclei -ut
[l]ist all [t]emplates with a specific [p]rotocol [t]ype
$ nuclei -tl -pt [dns|file|http|headless|tcp|workflow|ssl|websocket|whois|code|javascript]
Run an [a]utomatic web [s]can using wappalyzer technology detection specifying a target [u]RL/host to scan
$ nuclei -as -u []
Run HTTP [p]rotocol [t]ype templates of high and critical severity, [e]xporting results to [m]arkdown files inside a specific directory
$ nuclei -severity high,critical -pt http -u [] -me [markdown_directory]
Run all templates using a different [r]ate [l]imit and maximum [b]ulk [s]ize with silent output (only showing the findings)
$ nuclei -rl [150] -bs [25] -c [25] -silent -u []
Run the WordPress [w]orkflow against a WordPress site
$ nuclei -w [path/to/nuclei-templates/workflows/wordpress-workflow.yaml] -u []
Run one or more specific [t]emplates or directory with [t]emplates with [v]erbose output in stderr and [o]utput detected issues/vulnerabilities to a file
$ nuclei -t [path/to/nuclei-templates/http] -u [] -v -o [results]
Run scan based on one or more [t]emplate [c]onditions
$ nuclei -tc ["contains(tags, 'xss') && contains(tags, 'cve')"] -u []