Detect and bypass web application firewalls and protection systems.
Detect protection on a single [u]RL, optionally use verbose output
$ whatwaf --url [https://example.com] --verbose
Detect protection on a [l]ist of URLs in parallel from a file (one URL per line)
$ whatwaf --threads [number] --list [path/to/file]
Send requests through a proxy and use custom payload list from a file (one payload per line)
$ whatwaf --proxy [] --pl [path/to/file] -u [https://example.com]
Send requests through Tor (Tor must be installed) using custom [p]ayloads (comma-separated)
$ whatwaf --tor --payloads '[payload1,payload2,...]' -u [https://example.com]
Use a random user-agent, set throttling and timeout, send a [P]OST request, and force HTTPS connection
$ whatwaf --ra --throttle [seconds] --timeout [seconds] --post --force-ssl -u [http://example.com]
List all WAFs that can be detected
$ whatwaf --wafs
List all available tamper scripts
$ whatwaf --tampers