trekkie game
[[-a ] file ]
is a game of space glory and war. Below is a summary of commands. For complete documentation, see Trek by Eric Allman.
If a filename is given, a log of the game is written onto that file. If the -a flag is given before the filename, that file is appended to, not truncated.
The game will ask you what length game you would like. Valid responses are ``short'' ``medium'' and ``long'' You may also type ``restart'' which restarts a previously saved game. You will then be prompted for the skill, to which you must respond ``novice'' ``fair'' ``good'' ``expert'' ``commodore'' or ``impossible'' You should normally start out with a novice and work up.
In general, throughout the game, if you forget what is appropriate the game will tell you what it expects if you just type in a question mark.
- abandon
- ca pture
- cl oak
- u p/ d own
- c omputer request; ...
- da mages
- destruct
- do ck
- help
- i mpulse course distance
- l rscan
- m ove course distance
- p hasers a utomatic
- amount
- p hasers m anual
- amt1 course1 spread1 ...
- t orpedo course
- [y es ] angle/ n o
- ram course distance
- r est time
- shell
- sh ields
- u p/ d own
- s rscan
- [y es/ n o ]
- st atus
- terminate y es/ n o
- u ndock
- v isual course
- w arp warp_factor
An Eric Allma