

inject a few frames into a WPA TKIP network with QoS


tkiptun-ng [options] <replay interface>


tkiptun-ng is a tool created by Martin Beck aka hirte, a member of aircrack-ng team. This tool is able to inject a few frames into a WPA TKIP network with QoS. He worked with Erik Tews (who created PTW attack) for a conference in PacSec 2008: "Gone in 900 Seconds, Some Crypto Issues with WPA".


-H, --help

Shows the help screen.

Filter options:
-d <dmac>

MAC address of destination.

-s <smac>

MAC address of source.

-m <len>

Minimum packet length.

-n <len>

Maximum packet length.

-t <tods>

Frame control, "To" DS bit.

-f <fromds>

Frame control, "From" DS bit.


Disable AP Detection.

Replay options:
-x <nbpps>

Number of packets per second.

-p <fctrl>

Set frame control word (hex).

-a <bssid>

Set Access Point MAC address.

-c <dmac>

Set destination MAC address.

-h <smac>

Set source MAC address.

-e <essid>

Set target SSID.

-M <sec>

MIC error timeout in seconds. Default: 60 seconds

Debug options:
-K <prga>

Keystream for continuation.

-y <file>

Keystream file for continuation.


Inject FromFS packets.

-P <PMK>

Pairwise Master key (PMK) for verification or vulnerability testing.

-p <PSK>

Preshared key (PSK) to calculate PMK with essid.

Source options:
-i <iface>

Capture packets from this interface.

-r <file>

Extract packets from this pcap file.


airbase-ng(8) aireplay-ng(8) airmon-ng(8) airodump-ng(8) airodump-ng-oui-update(8) airserv-ng(8) airtun-ng(8) besside-ng(8) easside-ng(8) wesside-ng(8) aircrack-ng(1) airdecap-ng(1) airdecloak-ng(1) airolib-ng(1) besside-ng-crawler(1) buddy-ng(1) ivstools(1) kstats(1) makeivs-ng(1) packetforge-ng(1) wpaclean(1) airventriloquist(8)


This manual page was written by Thomas d'Otreppe. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.

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