An extremely fast Python linter. `check` is the default command - it can be omitted everywhere.
Run the linter on the given files or directories
$ ruff check [path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...]
Apply the suggested fixes, modifying the files in-place
$ ruff check --fix
Run the linter and re-lint on change
$ ruff check --watch
Only enable the specified rules (or all rules), ignoring the configuration file
$ ruff check --select [ALL|rule_code1,rule_code2,...]
Additionally enable the specified rules
$ ruff check --extend-select [rule_code1,rule_code2,...]
Disable the specified rules
$ ruff check --ignore [rule_code1,rule_code2,...]
Ignore all existing violations of a rule by adding # noqa directives to all lines that violate it
$ ruff check --select [rule_code] --add-noqa