PDF transformation software
Extract pages 1-3, 5 and 6-10 from a PDF file and save them as another one
$ qpdf --empty --pages [path/to/input.pdf] [1-3,5,6-10] -- [path/to/output.pdf]
Merge (concatenate) all the pages of multiple PDF files and save the result as a new PDF
$ qpdf --empty --pages [path/to/file1.pdf file2.pdf ...] -- [path/to/output.pdf]
Merge (concatenate) given pages from a list of PDF files and save the result as a new PDF
$ qpdf --empty --pages [path/to/file1.pdf] [1,6-8] [path/to/file2.pdf] [3,4,5] -- [path/to/output.pdf]
Write each group of n pages to a separate output file with a given filename pattern
$ qpdf --split-pages=[n] [path/to/input.pdf] [path/to/out_%d.pdf]
Rotate certain pages of a PDF with a given angle
$ qpdf --rotate=[90:2,4,6] --rotate=[180:7-8] [path/to/input.pdf] [path/to/output.pdf]
Remove the password from a password-protected file
$ qpdf --password=[password] --decrypt [path/to/input.pdf] [path/to/output.pdf]
qpdf [ options ] infilename [ outfilename ]
The qpdf program is used to convert one PDF file to another equivalent PDF file. It is capable of performing a variety of transformations such as linearization (also known as web optimization or fast web viewing), encryption, and decryption of PDF files. It also has many options for inspecting or checking PDF files, some of which are useful primarily to PDF developers.
For a summary of qpdf's options, please run qpdf --help. A complete manual can be found at https://qpdf.readthedocs.io.