Translate input from gamepads or joysticks into keyboard strokes or mouse actions.
Start QJoyPad
$ qjoypad
Start QJoyPad and look for devices in a specific directory
$ qjoypad --device=[path/to/directory]
Start QJoyPad but don't show a system tray icon
$ qjoypad --notray
Start QJoyPad and force the window manager to use a system tray icon
$ qjoypad --force-tray
Force a running instance of QJoyPad to update its list of devices and layouts
$ qjoypad --update
Load the given layout in an already running instance of QJoyPad, or start QJoyPad using the given layout
$ qjoypad "[layout]"
qjoypad [--device "/device/path"] [--notray] ["layout name"]
Program for mapping gamepad/joystick events to mouse/keyboard events
- -h, --help
Show summary of options.
- --device
Look for joystick devices in "path". This should be something like "/dev/input" if your game devices are in /dev/input/js0, /dev/input/js1, etc.
- --notray
Do not use a system tray icon. This is useful for window managers that don't support this feature.
- --update
Force a running instance of QJoyPad to update its list of devices and layouts.
- "layout name"
Load the given layout in an already running instance of QJoyPad, or start QJoyPad using the given layout.