Convert a PPM image to an arbitrary text format according to a template.
Convert a PPM image to text as specified by the given template
$ ppmtoarbtxt [path/to/template] [path/to/image.ppm] > [path/to/output_file.txt]
Convert a PPM image to text as specified by the given template, prepend the contents of the specified head template
$ ppmtoarbtxt [path/to/template] -hd [path/to/head_template] [path/to/image.ppm] > [path/to/output_file.txt]
Convert a PPM image to text as specified by the given template, append the contents of the specified tail template
$ ppmtoarbtxt [path/to/template] -hd [path/to/tail_template] [path/to/image.ppm] > [path/to/output_file.txt]
Display version
$ ppmtoarbtxt -version