

package delta generation utility


pkgdelta [options] <package1> <package2>


pkgdelta is used to create package delta files between two versions of the same package . These files are essentially binary patches . pacman (8)can download deltas instead of full package upgrades, and use them with the previous versions of packages (in the package cache) to synthesize the upgraded version of the packages . This likely reduces download sizes for upgrades significantly .
pkgdelta requires xdelta3 (1)to do its job .


--max -delta -size <ratio> Only create delta files if the delta is smaller than ratio * package_size . Possible values: 0 .0 to 2 .0 . Recommended values: 0 .2 to 0 .9 . Default value: 0 .7

--min -pkg -size <size> Minimal size of the package file in bytes to be considered for delta creation . Default value: 1048576 bytes = 1 MiB . This may be any absolute size in bytes or a human -readable value such as 4MiB or 3 .5MB .

-q, --quiet Be quiet . Do not output anything but warnings and errors .


.RS 4
$ pkgdelta libreoffice -3 .3 .2 -1 -x86_64 .pkg .tar .xz libreoffice -3 .3 .2 -2 -x86_64 .pkg .tar .xz .RE


Bugs? You must be kidding; there are no bugs in this software . But if we happen to be wrong, send us an email with as much detail as possible to pacman -dev@archlinux .org .


Current maintainers:
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2.3 Allan McRae <allan@archlinux .org>
'-04' '+03' .sp -1

2.3 Andrew Gregory <andrew .gregory .8@gmail .com>
'-04' '+03' .sp -1

2.3 Dan McGee <dan@archlinux .org>
'-04' '+03' .sp -1

2.3 Dave Reisner <dreisner@archlinux .org>
Past major contributors:
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2.3 Judd Vinet <jvinet@zeroflux .org>
'-04' '+03' .sp -1

2.3 Aurelien Foret <aurelien@archlinux .org>
'-04' '+03' .sp -1

2.3 Aaron Griffin <aaron@archlinux .org>
'-04' '+03' .sp -1

2.3 Xavier Chantry <shiningxc@gmail .com>
'-04' '+03' .sp -1

2.3 Nagy Gabor <ngaba@bibl .u -szeged .hu>
For additional contributors, use git shortlog -s on the pacman .git repository .


pacman(8), xdelta3(1) See the pacman website at https://www .archlinux .org/pacman/ for current information on pacman and its related tools .

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