

Interactive filtering tool.


Start peco on all files in the specified directory

$ find [path/to/directory] -type f | peco

Start peco for running processes
$ ps aux | peco

Start peco with a specified query
$ peco --query "[query]"


peco [options] [FILE]


-h, --help

show this help message and exit


initial value for query


path to the settings file


print the version and exit

-b, --buffer-size

number of lines to keep in search buffer


expect NUL (\0) as separator for target/output


position of the initial index of the selection (0 base)


specify the default matcher (deprecated)


specify the default filter


specify the prompt string


layout to be used. 'top-down' or 'bottom-up'. default is 'top-down'


select first item and immediately exit if the input contains only 1 item


specify action on user cancel. 'success' or 'error'. default is 'success'. This may change in future versions


use a prefix instead of changing line color to indicate currently selected lines. default is to use colors. This option is experimental


execute command instead of finishing/terminating peco. Please note that this command will receive selected line(s) from stdin, and will be executed via '/bin/sh -c' or 'cmd /c'

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