Install a new package
Remove a package and its no longer required dependencies (orphans)
Search the package database for a package
List installed packages
Check for package updates
Upgrade all packages
pamac <operation> [options] [targets]
pamac is a libalpm(3) front-end with AUR support.
pamac --version
Display current pamac version
pamac --help, -h [operation]
Display pamac help
pamac search [options] <package(s)>
Search for packages or files, multiple search terms can be specified
pamac list [options] <package(s)>
List packages, groups, repositories or files
pamac info [options] <package(s)>
Display package details, multiple packages can be specified
pamac install [options] <package(s)>
Install packages from repositories, path or url
pamac reinstall [options] <package(s)>
Reinstall packages
pamac remove [options] [package(s)]
Remove packages
pamac checkupdates [options]
Safely check for updates without modifiying the databases
pamac upgrade [options]
Upgrade your system
pamac update [options]
Upgrade your system
pamac clone [options] <package(s)>
Clone or sync packages build files from AUR
pamac build [options] [package(s)]
Build packages from AUR and install them with their dependencies
pamac clean [options]
Clean packages cache or build files
Search for packages or files, multiple search terms can be specified
pamac search [options] <package(s)/file(s)>)
--installed, -i
only search for installed packages
--repos, -r
only search for packages in repositories
--aur, -a
also search in AUR
do not search in AUR
--files, -f
search for packages which own the given filenames (filenames can be partial)
--quiet, -q
only print names
List packages, groups, repositories or files
pamac list [options]
--installed, -i
list installed packages
--explicitly-installed, -e
list explicitly installed packages
--orphans, -o
list packages that were installed as dependencies but are no longer required by any installed package
--foreign, -m
list packages that were not found in the repositories
--groups, -g [group(s)]
list all packages that are members of the given groups, if no group is given list all groups
--repos, -r [repo(s)]
list all packages available in the given repos, if no repo is given list all repos
--files, -f <package(s)>
list files owned by the given packages
--quiet, -q
only print names
Display package details, multiple packages can be specified
pamac info [options] <package(s)>
--aur, -a
also search in AUR
do not search in AUR
Install packages from repositories, path or url
pamac install [options] <package(s),group(s)>
--ignore <package(s)>
ignore a package upgrade, multiple packages can be specified by separating them with a comma
--overwrite <glob>
overwrite conflicting files, multiple patterns can be specified by separating them with comma
--download-only, -w
download all packages but do not install/upgrade anything
--dry-run, -d
only print what would be done but do not run the transaction
mark all packages installed as a dependency
mark all packages explicitly installed
check for updates
do not check for updates
bypass any and all confirmation messages
Reinstall packages
pamac reinstall <package(s),group(s)>
--overwrite <glob>
overwrite conflicting files, multiple patterns can be specified by separating them with a comma
--download-only, -w
download all packages but do not install/upgrade anything
mark all packages installed as a dependency
mark all packages explicitly installed
bypass any and all confirmation messages
Remove packages
pamac remove [options] [package(s),group(s)]
--unneeded, -u
remove packages only if they are not required by any other packages
--cascade, -c
remove all target packages, as well as all packages that depend on one or more target packages
--orphans, -o
remove dependencies that are not required by other packages, if this option is used without package name remove all orphans
do not remove dependencies that are not required by other packages
--no-save, -n
ignore files backup
--dry-run, -d
only print what would be done but do not run the transaction
bypass any and all confirmation messages
Safely check for updates without modifiying the databases
pamac checkupdates [options]
--builddir <dir>
build directory (use with --devel), if no directory is given the one specified in pamac.conf is used
--aur, -a
also check updates in AUR
do not check updates in AUR
--quiet, -q
only print one line per update
also check development packages updates (use with --aur)
do not check development packages updates
Exit code is 100 if updates are available.
Upgrade your system
pamac upgrade,update [options]
force the refresh of the databases
enable package downgrades
disable package downgrades
--download-only, -w
download all packages but do not install/upgrade anything
--dry-run, -d
only print what would be done but do not run the transaction
--ignore <package(s)>
ignore a package upgrade, multiple packages can be specified by separating them with comma
--overwrite <glob>
overwrite conflicting files, multiple patterns can be specified by separating them with comma
bypass any and all confirmation messages
--aur, -a
also upgrade packages installed from AUR
do not upgrade packages installed from AUR
also upgrade development packages (use with --aur)
do not upgrade development packages
--builddir <dir>
build directory (use with --aur), if no directory is given the one specified in pamac.conf file is used
Clone or sync packages build files from AUR
pamac clone [options] <package(s)>
--builddir <dir>
build directory, if no directory is given the one specified in pamac.conf file is used
--recurse, -r
also clone needed dependencies
--quiet, -q
do not print any output
overwrite existing files
Build packages from AUR and install them with their dependencies
pamac build [options] [package(s)]
--builddir <dir>
build directory, if no directory is given the one specified in pamac.conf file is used
--keep, -k
keep built packages in cache after installation
do not keep built packages in cache after installation
--dry-run, -d
only print what would be done but do not run the transaction
do not clone build files from AUR, only use local files
bypass any and all confirmation messages
If no package name is given, use the PKGBUILD file in the current directory. The build directory will be the parent directory, --builddir option will be ignored and --no-clone option will be enforced.
Clean packages cache or build files
pamac clean [options]
--keep, -k <number>
specify how many versions of each package are kept in the cache directory
--uninstalled, -u
only target uninstalled packages
--build-files, -b
remove all build files, the build directory is the one specified in pamac.conf
--dry-run, -d
do not remove files, only find candidate packages
--verbose, -v
also display all files names
bypass any and all confirmation messages
pamac search smplayer
Search for packages in repos containing the word smplayer
pamac search -a smplayer
Search for packages in repos and AUR containing the word smplayer
pamac install smplayer smplayer-themes
Install smplayer and themes from the repos
pamac reinstall smplayer
Force a package to be installed even if it is already installed
pamac build umplayer
Compile and install umplayer from AUR
pamac clone umplayer ~/Download
Clone umplayer from AUR in Download folder
pamac remove smplayer smplayer-themes umplayer
Uninstall smplayer, smplayer-themes and umplayer
pamac list -i
Display a list of all installed packages
pamac info -a smplayer
Display information about a package in repos, AUR or installed
pamac checkupdates -a
Check if updates are available in repos and AUR
pamac upgrade -a or pamac update -a
Upgrade all packages installed from the repos or AUR
pamac list -o
Check if there are any orphaned packages installed
pamac remove -o
Remove all orphans
pamac clean --keep 3
Clear the cache except for the latest three package versions
Can be set to configure the build directory. Overridden by --builddir.
When editor is not configured, use these variables to pick what editor to use when editing PKGBUILDS.
See pamac.conf(5) for more details on configuring pamac using the /etc/pamac.conf file.
Please report bugs to our Gitlab page
Guillaume Benoit