Multipurpose tool for handling OpenStreetMap (OSM) files.
Show file information
$ osmium fileinfo [path/to/input.osm]
Display contents
$ osmium show [path/to/input.osm]
Convert file format from PBF into XML
$ osmium cat [path/to/input.osm.pbf] -o [path/to/output.osm]
Extract a geographic region by the given [b]ounding box
$ osmium extract -b [min_longitude],[min_latitude],[max_longitude],[max_latitude] [path/to/input.pbf] -o [path/to/output.pbf]
Extract a geographic region by a GeoJSON file
$ osmium extract -p [path/to/polygon.geojson] [path/to/input.pbf] -o [path/to/output.pbf]
Filter all objects tagged as "restaurant"
$ osmium tags-filter [path/to/input.pbf] amenity=restaurant -o [path/to/output.pbf]
Filter for "way" objects tagged as "highway"
$ osmium tags-filter [path/to/input.pbf] w/highway -o [path/to/output.pbf]
Filter "way" and "relation" objects tagged as "building"
$ osmium tags-filter [path/to/input.pbf] wr/building -o [path/to/output.pbf]