Recursively search starting in the current directory, ignoring case
$ ned --ignore-case --recursive '[^[dl]og]' [.]
Search always showing colored output
$ ned --colors '[^[dl]og]' [.]
Search never showing colored output
$ ned --colors=never '[^[dl]og]' [.]
Search ignoring certain files
$ ned --recursive --exclude '[*.htm]' '[^[dl]og]' [.]
Simple replace
$ ned '[dog]' --replace '[cat]' [.]
Replace using numbered group references
$ ned '[the ([a-z]+) dog and the ([a-z]+) dog]' --replace '[the $2 dog and the $1 dog]' [.]
Replace changing case
$ ned '[([a-z]+) dog]' --case-replacements --replace '[\U$1\E! dog]' --stdout [.]
Preview results of a find and replace without updating the target files
$ ned '[^[sb]ad]' --replace '[happy]' --stdout [.]