Metasploit Framework Console
Launch the console
Launch the console [q]uietly without any banner
Do [n]ot enable database support
E[x]ecute console commands (Note: use ; for passing multiple commands)
Display [v]ersion
Usage: msfconsole [options]
Common options:
-E, --environment ENVIRONMENT Set Rails environment, defaults to RAIL_ENV environment variable or 'production'
Database options:
-M, --migration-path DIRECTORY Specify a directory containing additional DB migrations
-n, --no-database Disable database support
-y, --yaml PATH Specify a YAML file containing database settings
Framework options:
-c FILE Load the specified configuration file
-v, -V, --version Show version
Module options:
--defer-module-loads Defer module loading unless explicitly asked
-m, --module-path DIRECTORY Load an additional module path
Console options:
-a, --ask Ask before exiting Metasploit or accept 'exit -y'
-H, --history-file FILE Save command history to the specified file
-l, --logger STRING Specify a logger to use (Flatfile, TimestampColorlessFlatfile, Stderr, Stdout, StdoutWithoutTimestamps)
-L, --real-readline Use the system Readline library instead of RbReadline
-o, --output FILE Output to the specified file
-p, --plugin PLUGIN Load a plugin on startup
-q, --quiet Do not print the banner on startup
-r, --resource FILE Execute the specified resource file (- for stdin)
-x, --execute-command COMMAND Execute the specified console commands (use ; for multiples)
-h, --help Show this message