Add and remove applications and update your system.
Launch the GNOME Software GUI if it's not already running
$ gnome-software
Launch the GNOME Software GUI if it's not open, and navigate to the specified page
$ gnome-software --mode [updates|updated|installed|overview]
Launch the GNOME Software GUI if it's not open and view the details of the specified package
$ gnome-software --details [package]
Display the version
$ gnome-software --version
gnome-software [OPTION...]
This manual page documents briefly the gnome-software command.
gnome-software allows you to add and remove applications and update your system.
-?, --help
Prints a short help text and exits.
Prints the program version and exits.
--mode MODE
Starts gnome-software in the given mode. MODE can be updates, updated, installed or overview. The default mode is overview.
This manual page was written by Richard Hughes <>.