

Display how much activity a file has had, showing commits per file and "active days" i.e. total number of days that contributed to the file.


Display each file in the repository, showing commits and active days

$ git effort

Display files modified by a specific number of commits or more, showing commits and active days
$ git effort --above [5]

Display files modified by a specific author, showing commits and active days
$ git effort -- --author="[username]"

Display files modified since a specific time/date, showing commits and active days
$ git effort -- --since="[last month]"

Display only the specified files or directories, showing commits and active days
$ git effort [path/to/file_or_directory1 path/to/file_or_directory2 ...]

Display all files in a specific directory, showing commits and active days
$ git effort [path/to/directory/*]


git-effort [--above <value>] [<path> . . .] [-- [<log options> . . .]]


Shows effort statistics about files in the repository.

Display includes:
- Commits: number of commits per file - highlighting files with most activity.
- Active days: total number of days which contributed modifications to this file.


--above <value>

Ignore files with commits <= a value.

<path> . . .

Only count commits that touches the given paths.

Note: git-effort does not accept revision ranges, but the underlying git log does (See the examples).

<log options> . . .

Options for git log. Note that you must use -- to separate options to git log from options to git effort. This makes it possible to only count commits you are interested in. Not all options are relevant in the context of git-effort, but those that are is listed under the "Commit Limiting" section on the git-log manpages.


Note: Output will first appear unsorted, then the screen is cleared and the sorted list is output. The initial unsorted list is not shown in the examples for brevity.

Displays "effort" statistics:

$ git effort --above 5

  file                                          commits    active days

  git-extras                                    26         18
  git-release                                   13         13
  git-effort                                    13         2
  git-ignore                                    11         7
  git-changelog                                 11         8
  git-graft                                     9          6
  git-summary                                   8          6
  git-delete-branch                             8          6
  git-repl                                      7          5

$ git effort --above 5 bin/* -- --after="one year ago" --author="Leila Muhtasib"

  file                                          commits    active days

  git-extras                                    15         12
  git-release                                   6          4
  git-effort                                    6          2
  git-ignore                                    4          4
  git-changelog                                 3          2
  git-graft                                     2          2

Showing statistics on directories is also possible:

$ git effort bin man -- --after="one year ago"

  file                                          commits    active days

  bin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406        232
  man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118        80

Only count commits in the specified revision range:

$ git effort -- master..feature

  file                                          commits    active days

  bin/git-effort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3          2
  man/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1          1






Written by Leila Muhtasib <>

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