View details for, and create, database users.
Run a doctl databases user command with an access token
$ doctl databases user [command] --access-token [access_token]
Retrieve details about a database user
$ doctl databases user get [database_id] [user_name]
Retrieve a list of database users for a given database
$ doctl databases user list [database_id]
Reset the auth password for a given user
$ doctl databases user reset [database id] [user_name]
Reset the MySQL auth plugn for a given user
$ doctl databases user reset [database_id] [user_name] [caching_sha2_password|mysql_native_password]
Create a user in the given database with a given username
$ doctl databases user create [database_id] [user_name]
Delete a user from the given database with the given username
$ doctl databases user delete [database_id] [user_name]