Clojure tool to start a REPL or invoke a specific function with data.
Start a REPL (interactive shell)
Execute a function
Run the main function of a specified namespace
Prepare a project by resolving dependencies, downloading libraries, and making/caching classpaths
Start an nREPL server with the CIDER middleware
Start a REPL for ClojureScript and open a web browser
clj [clj-opts] [-Aaliases] [init-opts]
clojure [clj-opts] -X[aliases] my/fn? [kpath v ...] kv-map?
clojure [clj-opts] -T[name|aliases] my/fn [kpath v ...] kv-map?
clojure [clj-opts] -M[aliases] [init-opts] [main-opts] [args]
The clojure tool is a runner for Clojure programs. clj is a wrapper for clojure that uses rlwrap to provide a better interactive experience. Users will typically run clj.
You can launch a Clojure REPL by running clj.
See the Deps and CLI Guide below for more complex usage.
The clj and clojure scripts can take three types of options, as shown in the synopsis. clj-opts are used to build the java-opts and classpath. init-opts refer to Clojure code to execute. main-opts are options to clojure.main.
- -Jopt
Pass opt through in java_opts, ex: -J-Xmx512m
- -Aaliases
Concatenated aliases for REPL execution, ex: -A:dev:mem
- -Xaliases fn KPATH V
Exec alias to invoke one or more functions that take a map, with keypath/value overrides. Function must either be supplied or be in :exec-fn argmap for alias
- -Maliases
Exec clojure.main, either from opts in alias or command line
- -P
Prepare - download libs, cache classpath without executing
- -Sdeps EDN
Deps data to use as the last deps file to be merged
- -Spath
Compute classpath and echo to stdout only
- -Scp CP
Do NOT compute or cache classpath, use this one instead
- -Srepro
Ignore the ~/.clojure/deps.edn config file
- -Sforce
Force recomputation of the classpath (don't use the cache)
- -Sverbose
Print important path info to console
- -Sdescribe
Print environment and command parsing info as data
- -Sthreads N
Set specific number of download threads
- -Strace
Write a trace.edn file that traces deps expansion
- --
Stop parsing dep options and pass remaining arguments to clojure.main
- --version
Write version to stdout and exit
- -version
Write version to stderr and exit
- -i, --init path
Load a file or resource located at path
- -e, --eval string
Eval exprs in string; print non-nil values
- --report target
Report uncaught exception to target: "file" (default), "stderr", or "none", overrides System property
- -m, --main ns-name
Call the -main function from namespace w/args
- -r, --repl
Run a repl
- path
Run a script from a file or resource located at path
- -
Run a script from standard input
- -h, -?, --help
Print this help message and exit
This script reads configuration from deps.edn files. It will check against deps.edn files in the system root location, the user configuration directory (usually ~/.clojure), and the local directory. Files in each of these locations, if they exist, are merged to form one combined configuration file. The last specified configuration file's options overwrites any earlier files (e.g. local configs take priority).
File issues at under category Libs / tools.deps.alpha.
clojure and clj are maintained by Alex Miller <>. This man page was written by Elana Hashman <>.
Copyright © 2018-2020 Rich Hickey, Alex Miller and contributors.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0, the same as Clojure.
SEE ALSO Deps and CLI Guide Deps and CLI Reference REPL and Main Entrypoints Changelog for scripts Changelog for tools.deps library