Create TCP tunnels. Includes both client and server.
Run a Chisel server
$ chisel server
Run a Chisel server listening to a specific port
$ chisel server -p [server_port]
Run a chisel server that accepts authenticated connections using username and password
$ chisel server --auth [username]:[password]
Connect to a Chisel server and tunnel a specific port to a remote server and port
$ chisel client [server_ip]:[server_port] [local_port]:[remote_server]:[remote_port]
Connect to a Chisel server and tunnel a specific host and port to a remote server and port
$ chisel client [server_ip]:[server_port] [local_host]:[local_port]:[remote_server]:[remote_port]
Connect to a Chisel server using username and password authentication
$ chisel client --auth [username]:[password] [server_ip]:[server_port] [local_port]:[remote_server]:[remote_port]
Initialize a Chisel server in reverse mode on a specific port, also enabling SOCKS5 proxy (on port 1080) functionality
$ chisel server -p [server_port] --reverse --socks5
Connect to a Chisel server at specific IP and port, creating a reverse tunnel mapped to a local SOCKS proxy
$ chisel client [server_ip]:[server_port] R:socks