

Find images which can be used as wallpapers


wallpaperOPTIONS  ] FILE ...


This script tests if an image is usable as a desktop wallpaper. A list of image types and a minimum and a maximum width and aspect ratio can be specified. If a file passes all the tests, it is returned to stdout.


This is just a short manpage written for the Debian package of wondershaper because the original version lacks a manpage. See /usr/share/doc/wallpaper/ for more information.


-w --min-width

Set the minimum width. Defaults to 780.

-x --max-width

Set the maximum width. Defaults to 4000.

-a --min-aspect

Set the minimum aspect ratio. Defaults to 1.30.

-b --max-aspect

Set the maximum aspect ratio. Defaults to 1.36.

-X --exclude

Set the exclude file type list. Defaults to "".

-I --include

Set the include file type list. Defaults to " JPEG ,PNG,GIF,GIF87".

-v --verbose

Print additonal info to stderr.


Print a help text and exit.


Print the version and exit.


wallpaper is licensed under the GNU GPL .


wallpaper was written by Jan Kandziora <>. Look for updates at <>.

Copied to clipboard