

implementation of the WPS brute force attack


Crack the password

$ bully --bssid "[mac]" --channel "[channel]" --bruteforce "[interface]"

Display help
$ bully --help


bully interface

Required arguments

interface : Wireless interface in monitor mode (root required)
-b, --bssid macaddr : MAC address of the target access point
-e, --essid string : Extended SSID for the access point

Optional arguments

-c, --channel N[,N...] : Channel number of AP, or list to hop [b/g]
-i, --index N : Starting pin index (7 or 8 digits) [Auto]
-l, --lockwait N : Seconds to wait if the AP locks WPS [43]
-o, --outfile file : Output file for messages [stdout]
-p, --pin N : Starting pin number (7 or 8 digits) [Auto]
-s, --source macaddr : Source (hardware) MAC address [Probe]
-v, --verbosity N : Verbosity level 1-4, 1 is quietest [3]
-w, --workdir path : Location of pin/session files [~/.bully/]
-5, --5ghz : Hop on 5GHz a/n default channel list [No]
-B, --bruteforce : Bruteforce the WPS pin checksum digit [No]
-F, --force : Force continue in spite of warnings [No]
-S, --sequential : Sequential pins (do not randomize) [No]
-T, --test : Test mode (do not inject any packets) [No]

Advanced arguments

-d, --pixiewps : Attempt to use pixiewps [No]
-a, --acktime N : Deprecated/ignored [Auto]
-r, --retries N : Resend packets N times when not acked [2]
-m, --m13time N : Deprecated/ignored [Auto]
-t, --timeout N : Deprecated/ignored [Auto]
-1, --pin1delay M,N : Delay M seconds every Nth nack at M5 [0,1]
-2, --pin2delay M,N : Delay M seconds every Nth nack at M7 [5,1]
-A, --noacks : Disable ACK check for sent packets [No]
-C, --nocheck : Skip CRC/FCS validation (performance) [No]
-D, --detectlock : Detect WPS lockouts unreported by AP [No]
-E, --eapfail : EAP Failure terminate every exchange [No]
-L, --lockignore : Ignore WPS locks reported by the AP [No]
-M, --m57nack : M5/M7 timeouts treated as WSC_NACK's [No]
-N, --nofcs : Packets don't contain the FCS field [Auto]
-P, --probe : Use probe request for nonbeaconing AP [No]
-R, --radiotap : Assume radiotap headers are present [Auto]
-W, --windows7 : Masquerade as a Windows 7 registrar [No]
-Z, --suppress : Suppress packet throttling algorithm [No]
-V, --version : Print version info and exit
-h, --help : Display this help information

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