Shell script implementing ACME client protocol, an alternative to certbot.
Issue a certificate using webroot mode
Issue a certificate for multiple domains using standalone mode using port 80
Issue a certificate using standalone TLS mode using port 443
Issue a certificate using a working Nginx configuration
Issue a certificate using a working Apache configuration
Issue a wildcard (\*) certificate using an automatic DNS API mode
Install certificate files into the specified locations (useful for automatic certificate renewal)
ACME - the ACME Crossassembler for Multiple Environments
Usage: acme [OPTION...] [FILE]...
- -h, --help
show this help and exit
- -f, --format FORMAT
set output file format
- -o, --outfile FILE
set output file name
- -r, --report FILE
set report file name
- -l, --symbollist FILE
set symbol list file name
- --labeldump
(old name for --symbollist)
- --vicelabels FILE
set file name for label dump in VICE format
- --setpc NUMBER
set program counter
- --cpu CPU
set target processor
- --initmem NUMBER
define 'empty' memory
--maxerrors NUMBER set number of errors before exiting
- --maxdepth NUMBER
set recursion depth for macro calls and !src
set verbosity level
define global symbol
- -Wno-label-indent
suppress warnings about indented labels
- -Wno-old-for
suppress warnings about old "!for" syntax
- -Wtype-mismatch
enable type checking (warn about type mismatch)
- --use-stdout
fix for 'Relaunch64' IDE (see docs)
- --msvc
set output error message format to that of MS Visual Studio
- --color
enable colored error output using ANSI escape codes
- -V, --version
show version and exit
Platform independent version.