

The Mifare Terminal


mfterm [-v] [-h] [-t tagfile] [-k keyfile] [-d dictionary]


mfterm is a terminal interface for working with Mifare tags. The program is used as an interactive shell to read and write Mifare tags using libnfc and a libnfc compatible reader or to simply manipu‐ late Mifare data dumps from files. See the COMMANDS section below for a description of the commands available. In mfterm, there are a number of global state variables. One for tag data, one for keys and some others. Data is read and loaded to this memory and written and saved from the same. The contents of the tag data variable is displayed using the print command. The keys in the key variable are displayed using the keys command. Both tag and key vari‐ ables are 4k, but only the first 1k is used for 1k tags. Please see the README and INSTALL files for further information.


These are the command line options of mfterm. -h, --help Displays a help message. -v, --version Display version information. -t tagfile, --tag=tagfile Load a tag from the specified file. Before starting the terminal. -k keyfile, --keys=keyfile Load keys from the specified file. Before starting the terminal. -d dictionary, --dict=dictionary Load dictionary from the specified file. Before starting the ter‐ minal.


These are the commands available from the mfterm prompt. Tag Commands: print [1k|4k] Print the current tag data. The data is formatted to show sec‐ tors and blocks in hexadecimal. Optionally specify tag size (de‐ fault is 1k). read [A|B] Read a tag. A libnfc compatible reader must be connected and a tag present. The keys in the key state variable will be used to authenticate each sector. Optionally specify witch key to use for reading (default is A). write [A|B] Write a tag. A libnfc compatible reader must be connected and a tag present. The keys in the key state variable will be used to authenticate each sector. Optionally specify witch key to use for reading (default is A). load Load tag data from a file. The file should be a raw binary file containing exactly 4k. If the tag data represents a 1k tag, the data should be padded. save Save tag data to a file. A raw binary dump of the data will be written. If the tag is a 1k tag, the data will be padded with zeroes to 4k size. clear Clear the current tag data in memory. print keys [1k|4k] Extract the key information from the tag loaded into memory and display it. This is not the same as the keys command. The later will print the keys stored in the keys variable, this prints keys from the tag. print ac Print the access conditions for each block. Possible values are A, B, A|B or '-'. Their meanings are, in turn, that the A or B or both A and B keys or neither key can be used. The columns R, W, I, D represents read, write, increment and decrement. They apply for all non trailer blocks. For the trailer blocks the columns AR, AW, ACR, ACW, BR, BW apply. They are permissions for; reading the A-key, writing the A-key, reading the access control bits, writing the access control bits, reading the B-key and writing the B-key. set block offset = xx xx xx Write some values to the tag variable in memory. Specify data as hexadecimal bytes separated by spaces. Key Management Commands: keys [1k|4k] Print the keys currently loaded. Optionally specify if keys for the full 4k tag should be displayed or just the ones for the first 1k. Default is 1k. keys load file Load keys from a file into memory. The key file is a regular bi‐ nary tag dump, but only the key fields are used. That means that any tag dump can be loaded as keys. keys save file Save the current keys in memory to a file. The keys will be saved as a normal binary tag dump with all values except the keys cleared. keys import Import keys from the current tag. keys clear Clear the keys in memory. keys set A|B sector key Set a specific key explicitly. Specify the key in hex, if it is an A- or B-key and what sector to set the key for. keys test Try to authenticate with the keys. Use this command to test a set of keys with a specific tag. Pirate Card Commands: These commands will only work on the back door:ed pirate cards (aka Chinese magic cards) with writable first block. read unlocked Read the card without using keys and disregard access control bits. write unlocked Write to a back door:ed 1k tag. This will write block 0 and pos‐ sibly modify the UID. Dictionary Attack Commands: dict load file Load a dictionary key file. This is a regular text file with one key written in hex per line. Loading multiple dictionaries will merge their contents and remove duplicates. dict clear Clear the key dictionary in memory. dict attack Find keys of a physical tag by trying all keys in the loaded dictionary. If any keys are found the current keys variable will be updated. dict Print the contents of the key dictionary currently loaded. Contents Specification Commands: spec load file Load a specification file. spec clear Unload the specification. spec Print the specification. MAC Commands: These are commands for creating and validating DES MACs (message au‐ thentication codes) to sign the contents of specific blocks. mac key [key] Get or set MAC key. mac compute #block Compute the MAC for a specified block. mac update #block Compute the MAC for a specified block, truncate it and write it back into the current tag data. mac validate [1k|4k] Validates MACs for every block of the tag. General commands: quit Exit the program. help Show a list of available commands and a short description of each.


The mac and spec command groups are experimental. They


Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Anders Sundman License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.




Anders Sundman

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